General problems people face while adhering to the ICAI guidlines in creating websites

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) sets guidelines for Chartered Accountants' websites to ensure uniformity and adherence to standards. Websites must follow a "Pull" model, where customers seek out services rather than being pushed. This limits advertising strategies, making SEO and digital media marketing crucial. Website design must be thoughtful and deliberate, requiring time and adherence to ICAI guidelines. Izoe offers consultancy and tools to help clients create compliant websites.

General problems people face while adhering to the ICAI guidlines in creating websites

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a governing body that ensures Chartered Accountants adhere to a certain standard in their websites. Another advantage of having these standards is to maintain uniformity amongst all CA and firm websites. With so many standards comes general problems for the design of architecture of the website. There are plenty of dos and don'ts in the structure of a website for CAs.

“Push” and “Pull” Model 

Every website is selling a commodity or a service of some kind. They have to follow one of these two models. In the “Push” model, the product/service is pushed towards the customer. In the “Pull” model, the customer pulls the product out of the retail chain and closer to themselves. By ICAI guidelines, a website cannot have a “Push” model. This limits the many options of the website designer. For this reason, firms and CAs can use SEO strategies that use keywords such as “Indian Chartered Accountant”, “Indian CA”, “CA” etc. Along with this, CAs have to have a strong digital media marketing strategy that attracts the customer to the service without pushing the product. This can be done via newsletters and blog posts as well. Another very common practice is to have a chatbot on the website. This is well in the scope of the guidelines and helps websites with lead generation. If a chatbot is not programmable, a chat room is allowed as well. This gives the customer a direct line of communication with people of service. 

No Advertising Strategy 

Advertising is one of the most key ways of spreading the word on a product. According to ICAI guidelines, CA firms cannot run paid advertisements to promote their services. This is yet another reason why a website must have a strong SEO strategy. Since SEO gives a website a much more organic reach, websites can adhere to ICAI while spreading the word about their services. Social media marketing also plays a strong hand here. With the help of social media, many CA firms have spread the word of their services successfully. 

Designing of the Website 

In order to boom businesses, CAs and firms often design their own websites. While ordinary websites do not have many rules and regulations, CAs have many to adhere to. Due this, CAs have to avoid impulsive designing. In order to maintain these guidelines, CAs find the process of designing a website a very drawn out process. There are many things to think of when designing the website which is why website designers have to take their own time. This cannot be an overnight process. 

With the help of Izoe’s consultants and tools, clients can create websites that strictly adhere to the ICAI guidelines. Whether it is an SEO strategy or a Social Media marketing strategy, Izoe has it all covered. Consultation is a must since the ICAI guidelines are hard to maneuver around. With the right help, ICAI guidelines can be met and the ideal website can be made in the right way.